“There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark.”
– Helen Keller (American Author, Political Activist, Lecturer)
Club History
The Oconomowoc Lions Club (founded in 1938) is part of Lions Club International, which raises money to help children and families with disabilities by providing eye exams, eyeglasses, hearing aids, guide dogs and other assistance through its various programs. In addition to humanitarian service, they enjoy fellowship and develop leadership skills.
Today with more than 45,000 clubs in 202 countries and geographical areas, Lions have expanded their focus to help meet the ever-increasing needs of our global community. Known for working to end preventable blindness, Lions participate in a vast variety of projects important to their communities. Our programs are continually changing to meet new needs and greater demands, but our mission has never wavered: “We Serve.”

Our Club meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month starting in October thru June and once a month from June through August.
Our dinner meeting is held at Cornerstone Pub & Eatery located downtown Oconomowoc on Main Street. Social hour starts at 6:00pm with the dinner meeting following at 7:00pm, meetings normally last about an hour and a half.
Dinner is covered by Members Club dues. Interested in attending a meeting, please contact us at oconlions@gmail.com for further information.

Community Events
Every year since its inception, Oconomowoc Lions provides free food & beverages at Fowler Park for everyone that finishes the Oconomowoc Cancer Walk.
The ProHealth Care Walks for Cancer are ProHeath’s largest annual event, bringing together thousands of people every spring to walk in Waukesha, Oconomowoc and Mukwonago. The ProHealth Care Foundation organizes the Walks for Cancer to unite people in support of cancer services at ProHealth Care. Funds raised for the walks have a profound impact on cancer patients and their families. The funds are used for clinical trials, lifesaving equipment and technology, and other needed services. For further information please visit www.ProHealthCare.org/WalksforCancer or on the foundation’s Facebook page.
Our Club provides the concession stand area that includes kid friendly priced food, beverages, snacks & treats! Bring your family to Oconomowoc’s Roosevelt Park to visit local organizations offering free information for your family & the community. Enjoy games, entertainment, music, inflatables, arts & crafts, and much more!

For over 80 years the Oconomowoc Lions has been hosting the annual Halloween Parade, usually the last Saturday in October. The parade begins at Fowler Park through downtown (Wisconsin Ave) and ends at Campus Parking Lot 3 (Bank Five Nine). Our Club also serves complimentary food and refreshments on the Village Green in the afternoon. Please help spread the word & distribute our Halloween Poster along with our Float Form.

Rose Sale
“A Rose is a Rose – Except when that Rose is given as a gift.” Our Club delivers around 1,000 dozen Roses in the Lake Country Area every March to your home or office for only $15 per dozen. People purchase roses for their employees and/or clients, family, friends or even for themselves!
This fundraiser helps support local community programs and the Lions Camp in Rosholt, Wisconsin, which povides an outdoor experience for over 1,500 challenged children each year, one week at a time during the summer months at not cost to them, please visit www.wisconsinlionscamp.org for more information.
Golf Outing
Our annual Golf Outing is held in September at Paganica Golf Course, it is a scramble format with a 10:30am shotgun start. The golf fee includes 18 holes with cart, beverages on course, steak or chicken sandwich buffet, 25 raffle tickets, 3 mulligans, putting contest and a 3 ball drop entry (50/50).
Prizes for Men’s Division, Women’s Division and Mixed Division along with prizes for longest drive, putt and then we have game holes. Along with our raffle baskets (40+) and our silent auction with over 30 items to bid on, there is something for everyone!
Started in 2003, our Club holds this annual event to assist with Wisconsin Lions State endeavors that include: Wisconsin Lions Camp, Diabetes Awareness, Leader Dog, Eye Glass Recycling, Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, as well as other worthy programs in the Oconomowoc area.


Since 1938, our Club has been committed to giving back to their community by contributing to: AngelsGrace Hospice, Badger Boys and Girls, Chamber of Commerce, City of Oconomowoc Beaches, Defibrillators (with training) for the City and Town Police Departments and the Recreation Department, Eye Exams and Glasses, Fire Department, Food Pantry, Halloween Parade, High School Art Center, High School Weight Room, Historical Society, Kids Fest, Lake Area Cancer Walk, Lake Country Free Clinic, Library Hearing Loop, Meals on Wheels, Middle School, Racoon Project for squads, Roosevelt Field Dugouts and Fences, Screening Diabetes and the Senior Citizen Center.
Our Club, District 27-A2, has been committed to giving back to our State endeavors that include: Children’s Vision Screening, Community Diabetes Education Project, Eyeglass Recycling Center, Hearing Aid Program, Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, Paws with a Cause, and the Wisconsin Lions Camp.

Our motto is “We Serve”. Known for saving sight, we also feed the hungry, aid seniors and the disabled, care for the environment, support children and local schools through scholarships, recreation and mentoring, providing disaster relief and meeting humanitarian needs.
In 1939, Lions Clubs International founded Leader Dog for the Blind. Leader Dog has successfully matched and graduated over 13,000 person / dog teams since its inception. The vision of these members gave hope to thousands and provided Leader Dogs, training and independence to people all across the country.
Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) is an efficient and effective charity. Administrative costs were 8.7% in 2016-2017, a low ratio for a non-profit. Every dollar donated to LCIF goes to a grant. LCIF receives no Club dues. LCIF has awarded $360 million (US) in grants all over the world since it began in 1968. Lions members – men and women – provide immediate and sustained relief in time of disaster all over the world and offer long-term assistance to those in need. Lions collect and recycle eyeglasses for distribution in developing countries and treat millions of people to prevent river blindness.